Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Want Better Gas Mileage ? Make Your Car a Hybrid and Run it off of Water too by Jake Baker

I've been wanting to get a hybrid car for some time. Looking around... I quickly saw I couldn't afford one. Electric, biodiesel, and hydrogen, all clean fuels, all so expensive. But do they have to be? I alsoheard of a car running on water, a car running on H2O? Yeah right...... There are electric cars, solar, hydrogen, diesel, biodiesel, and obviously gas. But water? LOL, as the kids say, sounds crazy. That's not really true though, water, or H2O (H being the key here), is just like anything else and composed of many elements. Well, two hydrogens and one oxygen. Starting to get were I'm going? As I always say, "anything is everything and everything is anything," sound crazy? Yeah a little, but completely true. Anything can be transformed through the right process, for instance... The sun transfers it's energy to so many things, without it there wouldn't be any life. It transforms it energy from something as simple as heating the ground, or something as complex as being a part in producing rain. So if all kinds of things transform/transfer their energy, why can't we transform water to hydrogen gas, then to energy for our cars? The fact is, that we can. It has been done and people drives cars with water fuel cells in them every day, and you can too. Hybrid cars get double the mileage or more, and you don't have to buy a new car for the outrageous "green" price. You can actually build your own fuel cell that runs off of water, I found a review site with a guide on how to do that here http://world-web-reviews.net/vehicles.html . Everyone can do their part to help save and conserve the environment, and in an ever changing world, it is becoming more possible. And with an ever growing knowledge, newer, cheaper ways to save the environment are becoming known.

About the Author

If you want to make a hydrogen powered car yourself, I hope that this article is helpful to you.

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